Mission, Vision & Virtues
At Oroua Downs School all students will strive to:
- recognise and pursue their talents
- be reflective and valuable contributors to the community
- have strengths in Literacy and Numeracy
- be active, inquiring learners
- have an awareness and appreciation of their local environment.
Whāia to pae tāwhiti – Pursue the Distant Horizon.
Virtues (Values)
Students at Oroua Downs School aspire to the values as described in the New Zealand Curriculum which are represented in our school virtues. We believe the school virtues represent our beliefs about what is important or desirable in our school and community members. Our virtues are expressed through the ways in which our students, parents and staff think and act.
- Creativity
- Teamwork
- Excellence
- Respect

About Our School
Oroua Downs School is a well-established country school which has delivered primary education to Year 0 – 8 students since 1903. The school is situated on SH 1, 42 kilometers west of Palmerston North and 12 kilometres north of Foxton. The locality of the school ensures a diversity of students and families from Himatangi Beach, lifestyle blocks, and farms. The majority of students travel to school by bus. The current roll sits at 121 pupils.
Today the school operates 5 1/2 classrooms with learning supported by up-to-date resources, a well-stocked library, two swimming pools, extensive playing fields, courts, and a large adventure playground. The extensive playing fields hosts the annual Lamb and Calf Day, presently called Pet Day, for which cups, ribbons and certificates have been awarded to participating students since 1938.